The family of the Ranunculaceaeconsists of herbaceous,and more rarely shrub plants. The leaves of the Ranunculaceaecan be simple, and more rarely, complex, arranged alternately or opposing each other, there are no stipules.
The flowersare bisexual, regular or more rarely irregular, solitary or gathered in a cluster raceme or panicle.The perianth is solitary or dual. It consists of five (or a number multiple by five) parts. The stamens are numerous, spirally arranged upon the flower bottom. The seed-vesselsare simple, numerous in number – five or one. The fruits are most often a pouch - crocus (Helleborus L.) or a nut – meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris L.).
The Ranunculaceaeare a family of angiosperm plantsthat includes approximately 2,500 species. They are spread globally, but appear most often in the temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of them are perennial herbaceous plants.
Many of the plantsof the family - Aconitum L., Adonis L., Helleborus L. contain poisonous substances (protoanemonin, alkaloids, glycosides), used in medicine. Others (Anemone L.)are grown as ornamental flowers. The Ranunculaceaeare not used as food by animals because they are either poisonous or have a bitter taste.