Garden: Varna
Category: Events
Date published: 08.05.2013

Ornamental plants, flowers, landscape architecture, tools and machines, garden equipment, accessories, fertilizers, plant protections and bazaar

Topics of the Seminars:

- Standards in The Producing Of The Ornamental Plants And Flowers
- Development of Green Building
- Financial Support to Farmers
- Landscape Architecture - the connection between university students and business

Topics of the Green Workshops:

- Green Workshops for children
- Bonsai Workshops
- The Art of Arranging Flowers


- Best built Demonstration area
- Most attractive arranged exposition’s areа
- Best landscape project presented by students
- Competition for Bulgarian Flowers
- Children’s competitions

Bulgarian Association of Ornamental Plants Nurseries (BAOPN) is a voluntary independent non-profit organization in the private benefit of its members – Bulgarian producers of ornamental plants. The ASSOCIATION encourages and stimulates its members to a business initiative, innovation and modern green industries.

The University Botanic Garden in Varna is the first Ecological park in the country where man-created and natural ecological systems are harmoniously combined.

It is a place to see interesting plant and animal species, for walks and recreation in nature. It represents nature in the way we would like to preserve it for the future.

For additional information, pleace contact to:

eng. Galina Ilieva
mob. +359 876 99 36 99
phone/fax: + 359 2 9 554 123
